Artist Tour June 15th 10 - 12:00

(I'm the one not wearing ear muffs) 
I'll be at the Centennial Gallery if you'd like a tour of the show. 4 artists, lots of inspiration, and wonderful pieces will be on hand! Discounts will be made available from 10 - 12:00 of Tina Rawson's paintings and Bitte Selbman's weavings, if you truly love a piece this is the time to get it! Please let me know if you plan to be there at

Some paintings are headed home to their new owners soon!  So exciting! I'm thrilled that there are people who enjoy looking at our art, so much so that they bought them! See for photos of these pieces that are making their way up and down the east coast. Thank you kindly to those of you who supported us!  More pieces will be hung on the 15th to supplement the show for the final two weeks. It's coming down on June 30th folks so hope to see you on the 15th! :)

Lilacs - sold
Maudslay Tree - sold
Horses Eye - sold
The Gate - sold
Pink House - sold


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