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Mural Musings by Tina Rawson Art

  One of the  most fun murals I've made to date was this one for a children's preschool in Newbury. They had a wooden box basically that the children played in which I turned into an alpine forest. Here's the full forest with lake, mountain and castle Can't you smell the fresh air? Edelweiss is a must in an alpine scene like this one. I created this piece using house paint and acrylics. You can see the rollers under the wooden panels that they used to roll the box under making the children's play more accessible. Such a fun way to build a little world for young children!  Now I have the opportunity to paint a nursery wall in Wrentham by the ocean. It's a beautiful gray wall on which the parents would like to create a park scene. I've been sent inspiration photos from which I'm gleaning that the like "Parisian" parks, ones full of spring colors, black benches, lilacs, and nice blue skies with white puffy clouds. I thought of the Boston Public Ga...

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